Returns & Exchanges
RSZEVAR.COM offers 10 Day Returns Policy:
At RSZEVAR.COM, we take pride in delivering items in excellent condition. However, if you receive a broken or unsatisfactory product, you can exchange or return it within 10 days of purchase. Here's how our exchange and refund policy works:
Exchange/Replace Defective Products: If a product is faulty or defective, we offer free exchange/replacement. No charges apply.
Refund Policy: You are eligible for a refund if you receive a damaged product or if the product received does not match the image displayed on our website. For all other issues, you can avail our exchange policy.
Exchange/Replace Products You Don't Like: We value our customers and offer flexible policies. If you don't like a product and wish to order another product from our website, you can return the received product to our official address. After we receive the product, our officer will communicate with you and assist you in selecting the replacement product. We will send the selected product to your provided address. Replacement can be made within 10 working days, and a charge of Rs. 200/- will apply.
Conditions for Exchange/Refund: To be eligible for exchange or refund, the item must be unused, in perfect condition, and in its original packaging. You must provide the original receipt of the item. Products purchased at sale prices cannot be returned or exchanged.
Liability for Loss/Damage: We are unable to assume liability for loss or damage during transportation, so please send the product in its original packaging via a reputable courier company.
If you have any queries regarding our return policy, please contact us via email at or call us at 0303-2244550. Our representative will be happy to assist you.
We take pride in providing exceptional customer service at RSZEVAR.COM, and we apologize if you have encountered any issues with our representatives. If your query has not been addressed, we kindly request that you send an email directly to our CEO at
We value your feedback and will do our best to ensure that all your concerns are resolved promptly and professionally. Thank you for choosing RSZEVAR.COM.